Cool game, now improve it
It's really well done! I think you should add sounds, and maybe a point. WHY are two cars chasing after little X's? I think a story would make this even better! Keep up the good work!
Cool game, now improve it
It's really well done! I think you should add sounds, and maybe a point. WHY are two cars chasing after little X's? I think a story would make this even better! Keep up the good work!
Wow! VERY nice!
This is very very well done! Everything is smooth and animated quite well. Good job!
Nice job, and now improve
By upgrading the graphics I bet this game could be a big hit. Also you may want to add some story or something. I don't know. Good work though.
This is well done and nice art
I like the artwork. The whole thing is well done. I'm not a huge fan of dress-up kinda games, but this one is good. I won't be playing it again, but it's one of the better ones I've seen..
Good game, needs some work
It's a GREAT start, and with a little more work could really be a cool game. I think it needs some additional sounds, and perhaps a timer or something. There's no sense of urgency. It's like "Hey these mutant alien things came over to my home base for tea, and while they wait on the other side of the room I'll kill them all." =)
Keep at it and with version 1.5 I'm sure it'll rock!
Good ol' Invader Zim
I like it! It's a standard dress up game, but since it's Gir it's more fun. You should include some backgrounds next time. Nice job though.
Thank goodness
As a visual learner I'm glad someone made a movie on how to make a preloader. Now maybe I can actually do it. Thanks.
Everything about the movie was pretty average (in terms of graphics and animation and such). Except the info itself- which was great. It does what it sets out to do, and that's a very good thing. Nice job.
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Joined on 1/1/05